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Exploration led to the discovery of new lands, trade routes, and resources. It also facilitated cultural exchange and interaction between different societies. However, exploration often resulted in colonization, exploitation of indigenous peoples, and the spread of diseases.

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Q: What were the effects on exploration?
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Negative effects on the age of exploration?

Negative effects of the Age of Exploration include land displacement of indigenous populations, spread of diseases leading to population decline, and exploitation of resources leading to environmental degradation. Additionally, the colonization and forced assimilation of native peoples resulted in the loss of cultural identities and traditions.

What are the effects of European exploration?

European exploration led to the spread of diseases, colonization and exploitation of indigenous populations, the establishment of global trade networks, and the exchange of cultures and ideas. It also resulted in the creation of empires, the discovery of new lands and resources, and the shaping of modern world geography.

How did the European exploration affect the Americas and Africa?

European exploration in the Americas resulted in a decline of populations due to diseases brought to the New World to which the natives had no immunity. For Africans, this exploration saw the beginning of the Atlantic slave trade where millions were captured and resettled in the Americas.

What effects did European exploration have on Africa?

European exploration of Africa had major negative impacts, including the spread of diseases, exploitation of natural resources, and introduction of slave trade. This led to economic exploitation, political instability, and social disruption across the continent, leading to long-lasting consequences that continue to affect Africa today.

What Two effects which voyages of exploration had on the native people in the new world?

The voyages of exploration brought disease, such as smallpox and measles, which devastated indigenous populations in the New World due to lack of immunity. Additionally, contact with European settlers often led to violent conflicts, displacement from their lands, and the loss of cultural practices for the native people.

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Food, money, love, and children GET A LIFE,(:

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What were some of the effects of European exploration?

diseases were sent over to the people who werent immune to it and it helped colonize the new world.