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The first known were bacteria, and they date back to 3.5 to 4 billion years ago.

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Studies of genetic material indicate that a living group of single-celled organisms called Archaea may have been the earliest. It is thought that they formed about 3.8 billion years ago.

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Q: What were the first know living organisms on earth and when did they appear?
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What organisms are thought to have been the first to appear on earth?


What type of organisms were the first living organisms on Earth?

blue green algae archebacteria

When did the first colonial organisms appear on earth?

1.4 billion years ago

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The first living organisms on earth were a type of aquatic photosynthetic bacteria called cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). These organisms formed structures called stromatolites. These organisms did not become extinct and still exist in both salt and fresh water environments.

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Life came first. The oxygen in Earth's atmosphere is a product of living organisms carrying out photosynthesis.

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The first living things on Earth, single-celled micro-organisms lacking a cell nucleus or cell membrane and known as prokaryotes first appeared on Earth almost four billion years ago.

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The biosphere is defined as the living organisms on earth. As such, it began to evolve when the first organisms appeared. Currently, this is believed to have happened about 3.5 billion years ago.

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microbes were the first inhabitants of earth. they are single-celled organisms; bacteria, fungi and protozoa. (: and Simple prokaryotes

Was oxygen on Earth before or after life on Earth?

Elemental oxygen did not appear on Earth until some time after life did. In fact, the oxygen was produced by life carrying out photosynthesis. The first organisms on Earth were anaerobic, meaning their life processes did not involve oxygen. To most organisms like this, oxygen was highly toxic.

What life form was on earth first?

Earliest life form is microbe, a unicellular organism. First bacteria can dated back to 3.4 billion year ago. Emergance and true cut point from being a replicating molecules to a living cells is still unknown.