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Q: What were the first members of the league of nation?
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What did members of league of nation disagree about when crises arose?

They disagreed about the U.S not wanting to be involved in the League .

Why might critics suggest that the league of Nations failed in its intended goals?

because japan seized Manchuria which cause many league of nation members to protest.

Short note on league of nation?

short note on "League of Nation"

What was the purpose of the mandates given by the league of nation?

The League of Nations mandates were issued to prepare the middle east for independence.

Who where the countries that made the league of nation?

Wardrobe Wilson Was the guy who made league of nation

Why league of nation named league of nation why not league of state?

Because they were Nations coming together and solving problems not states.

When did Muslim League first make its demand for a separate Muslim nation of Pakistan?

lahore 1940

Which allied nation did Not join the league of nation?

The U.S.A.

Why was the league of nation dominated by France and Britain?

- The Usa was not a member of the League, so there was no competition there.- Britain and France were the victors of WW1. They established, founded and funded the League. - Br + Fr were permanent members of the Council which is where all the decisions of the League are finalised. - They were great powers in Europe; both rich and had large armies. - Italy and Japan (the others two members of the "Big Four" were weaker and were less involved in the League's decisions.

When did the league of natons start?

when did the league of nation stared

What professional sport league was the first to establish a licensed properties division?

The Nation Football Leauge, in 1963

How many countries where in the league of nations?

At it's height the League of nations supported 58 members