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Q: What were the greatest challengespeople in Europefaced after the death of Charlemagne in 814?
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Who took Charlemagne's place after his death?

Louis the Pious (the son of Charlemagne)

What happened after the death of Charlemagne?

Charlemagne’s sons fought for power and weakened the kingdom

How old was Charlemagne at death?

Charlemagne died on January 28, 814 at the age of 71.

What happened following the death of Charlemagne's son?

the empire was divided among Charlemagne's grandsons

After Charlemagne's death what happened to Germany?

Charlemagne's German - and all other - lands were inherited by his only surviving son, Louis.

Did Charlemagne and his brother get along?

Charlemagne and his brother Carloman initially had a turbulent relationship, but eventually reconciled and worked together to co-rule the Frankish Kingdom after their father's death. Their partnership ended with Carloman's untimely death in 771, which paved the way for Charlemagne to become the sole ruler.

Who was Charlemagne?

Actually Charlemagne was a very powerful frankish King. Charlemagne added to his land and gained more and more power. He helped bring Europe out of the Dark Ages. By the time of his death, Charlemagne ruled most of Western Europe.

How was the kingdom split up among Charlemagne and his brothers after their father's death?

On the death of Pepin the kingdom was divided between Charlemagne and his brother Carloman (Carloman ruled Austrasia). Carloman died on December 5, 771, leaving Charlemagne the leader of a reunified Frankish kingdom. Charlemagne was engaged in almost constant battle throughout his reign.

How did Charlemagne spread Christianity and promote trade?

Charlemagne fought in about 53 military conquests and gave the defeated a choice. Christianity or death. Many chose Christianity, but some who were very religious chose death. Charlemagne was a man of his word. He killed over 4,500 people.

Was Charlemagne around when the black death was?

No. He died around four hundred years prior to the Black Death.

What happend to Charlemagne's empire after his death?

The empire stayed the same, but after the death of his son did the empire split in three

Who Made Charlemagne king?

Charlemagne became king in 768 following the death of his father. He was initially co-ruler with his brother Carloman. Carloman's sudden death in 771 under unexplained circumstances left Charlemagne as the undisputed ruler of the Frankish Kingdom. He was not "made" king, but rather succeeded to the throne through the death of his father. This is called a succession.