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The Nazi's strongly believed in evolutionary racial heirarchy. With the Northern European races (particularly Scandinavian) being the most superior and advanced and the Jews at the bottom of the racial heirarchy. The Nazi's tried to use science to back-up their theories. The Nazis finally decided that they wanted to wipe out the lowest races which led to the murder of millions of Jews in the Holocaust.

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11y ago
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10y ago
  • Eradication of the Jewish, Gyptians, Ethnic minority of choice
  • Establishment of a new Stronger Germany (after effect of WW1, Treaty of Versailles and all that)
  • The importance of the Aryan Race
  • Expand Territories, Establish greater living space for economy
  • Strengthen economy
  • Revenge.
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8y ago

The beliefs of the Nazi party are that the Aryan race (which specifically includes Germans) is superior to all other races and is the master race, whose destiny is to enslave or kill the lesser races. The race most disliked by the Nazis was, of course, the Jews, and it was the belief of the Nazis that the misfortunes of the human race could all be blamed on Jews. This was a remarkable fantasy, which lead Germany to commit the most horrible crimes in human history.

The Nazis believed that they were the master race, and that no one else was equal to them. They went about eliminating all the groups in society they didn't need or agree with. Jews, gypsies, all kinds of ethnic minorities. They also blamed the loss of territory in World War I on Jews so they murdered them in the Holocaust.


The immediate forerunner of the Nazi party - the German Workers' Party (DAP) was founded on 5 January 1919 to oppose the Munich 'Soviet'. From the outset it was a party of 'anti' beliefs and initially had very little support. It was:

  1. Anti-Communist.
  2. Anti democratic.
  3. Anti-parliamentarian.
  4. Antisemitic.
  5. Pan-German and intensely nationalist.

It subscribed to the 'stab-in-the-back' legend which claimed that Germany had not been militarily defeated in World War 1 but had been brought down by (mainly Jewish) subversives (Communists and liberals) on the home front.

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12y ago

Strength throught diciplin, strength through unity, perfectionism, all for one one for all "in other words everyone is for their country", Nationalism "love of ones people or ethnic group/race", belief in a super race, fear is a disgrace to the father land, obediance, well educated, striving to be the best, power, racism " it's not their trade mark cuz the whole world is racist". When you break it down their ideals aren't bad except for racism and super races, they had good ideals for the most part but had a ruthless leader who told them to be cruel and to kill, then again killing is bad it's what humans do best

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13y ago

They believed in superiority of the Aryan race (Blond hair + blue eyes) and thought the Slavic people were sub humans and thought of Slavic lands were needed for living space of Aryan people (germans)

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9y ago

They preached that the Jews are subhuman, worse than animals.

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What were the Nazis ideals?

bogaloo why do you want to know

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What did Hitler do in the Nazi?

I was about to say "He invented the Nazis", but that is offcourse not right. But he became their leader, and quite soon his own ideas where the same as the Nazis. I thhink Hitler picked up on the movement as early as in the 1920:ies. He soon found that his ideals coincided with what he felt, so he was attracted by them. --

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The Fall of Ideals was created on 2006-07-11.

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