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Fascism in the 20s/30s was a response to the economic situation after WWI. People followed leaders b/c of economic distress.

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Q: What were the key characteristics of fascism in the 1920's and 1930's?
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What was a key characteristic of fascism in the 1920s and 1930s?

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I would consider the key features to be that Jazz really got started and became popular during prohibition and then in the 30's, Big Band music took Jazz to an upbeat and swing style that was great to dance to. Glen Miller was one of the great Big Band leaders of that time

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What are the main characteristics of fascism?

The key principles of fascism include the state having absolute power. There is also a strict social order that prevents uprising from the citizens. There is one charismatic leader in a fascist government and he is one who may never be questioned. In a fascist government, peace is seen as weakness and aggression as strength.

How far can the nineteenth century be described as an incubatory period for fascism?

One of the key features of fascism is nationalism. Nationalism were part of fabric of many 19th century nations. In that respect, the efforts of Napoleon, as an example, was the personification of French nationalism. In terms of that, it can be said that the 19th century was a cause of the fascism in the 20th century.

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It depends on which Waverly hills you are referring to. The key characteristics of Waverly Hills in Cape Town are: vineyards and forests. The key characteristics of Waverly Hills in Kentucky are ghost walking tours and the haunted sanatorium.