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Q: What were the lasting impacts on people's families countries and people's view on the world after World War 1?
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European colonization of the South Pacific led to the loss of indigenous lands, languages, and traditions, as well as the introduction of diseases, conflicts, and exploitative labor practices. Native peoples faced displacement, violence, and cultural assimilation as a result of European colonization, which had long-lasting impacts on their societies and ways of life.

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Abel Tasman's discoveries led to the European exploration and eventual colonization of Australia and New Zealand. His voyages also contributed to the expansion of knowledge about the Pacific region and the mapping of its coastlines. Additionally, his encounters with indigenous peoples had lasting impacts on their cultures and societies.

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Racism affects marginalized communities, particularly people of color, indigenous peoples, and other vulnerable groups, by perpetuating discrimination, inequality, and systemic barriers. It has deep and lasting impacts on individuals' social, economic, and emotional well-being.

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There are accounts of violence against Indigenous peoples during Jacques Cartier's expeditions to North America in the 16th century, but there is no definitive evidence that he personally killed any natives. Cartier did establish relationships with some Indigenous groups, but conflicts did arise, leading to casualties on both sides. His interactions with Indigenous peoples were complex and had lasting impacts on the Indigenous communities.

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because it helps families in poor areas who are not as fortunate as you!

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Positive impacts: Samuel de Champlain was instrumental in establishing the first permanent European settlements in Canada, such as Quebec City, which laid the foundation for French colonization in the region. He also established positive relationships with Indigenous peoples through trade and alliances, contributing to the development of the fur trade industry. Negative impacts: Champlain's colonization efforts led to conflicts with Indigenous peoples over land and resources, resulting in violence and displacement. His actions, along with those of other European colonizers, had long-lasting negative effects on Indigenous communities, including the loss of land, culture, and autonomy.

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Aboriginal peoples are the indigenous peoples of Australia, with a history dating back at least 65,000 years. They have a rich cultural heritage with diverse languages, art forms, and spiritual beliefs. Colonization by Europeans beginning in the 18th century had devastating impacts on Aboriginal communities through violence, disease, and dispossession of their lands. Efforts are ongoing to address the historical injustices and protect the rights and cultures of Aboriginal peoples.

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the natives hated magellan but they helped him explore (wrong answer)

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probably the same as in other countries

What are the ways explorers hurt the Indians?

Explorers often hurt Indigenous peoples through violence, spread of diseases, displacement from their land, forced cultural assimilation, and exploitation of resources without consent. These actions have had long-lasting negative impacts on Indigenous communities and their way of life.