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Q: What were the living conditions for the middle working class?
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By 1914 trade unions had?

Bettered both the living and working conditions of the working class

Who bettered the living and working conditions of the working class?

trade unions

How did the industrial revolution changed the living conditions for both the middle class and working class?

middle(bourgeoise)-they had $had the nicest things(clothing, food, houses) the wives didnt have to work, instead they took care of the kids at home. working-pooooooor look it up in txt book

Which class not only grew during the Industrial Revolution but also suffered because of poor working and living conditions?

The working class

What two classes emerged in the European society in the industrial revolution?

Burgoisies The well-to-do and the poor (Apex)

What is the average standard of living in the United States?

The average standard of living the United States is; Capitalist Class = 1% Upper Middle Class = 15% Lower Middle Class = 30% Working Class = 13% Underclass = 12%

Writers of what period wrote about the living conditions of the lower class living on the farms and in the cities of England?

Try "The Condition of the Working Class in England" by Friedrich Engels.

What Writers of which period wrote about the living conditions of the lower class living on the farms and in the cities of England?

Try "The Condition of the Working Class in England" by Friedrich Engels.

What were the living conditions like for the working class in London in 1780?

Absolutely dreadful. Also gin-soaked.

Which social change occurred during the industrial revolution?

The social change that was brought about during the early industrial revolution was the emergence of the middle class and the working class. It brought more jobs to the cities and improved living conditions for many people.

What were Amelia Earhart's living conditions while she was growing up?

she was middle class. An ordinary girl; extraordinary woman