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Q: What were the lord's words when he swore fealty to his king?
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What were the lords words when he swore fealty to his king in medieval?

they make there own pledges but basicly you reside under his care and and pledge fetility to him as well as your honor and sword.

What every knight swore to his king?

Knights swore an oath of fealty to serve and protect their king, to uphold the code of chivalry, to defend the realm, and to be loyal and honorable in all their actions.

What are nobles who swore loyalty to the king in exchange for land?

Feudal Lords were the ones who swore loyalty in exchange for land. They controlled all of the land.

What is fealty?

Fealty is an oath of loyalty to your Lord or King.

What does fealty mean?

An Oath of Fealty is when one person pledges allegiance to another person. The medieval oath of fealty is when a vassal swears loyalty to a lord. The Oath of Fealty was sworn during a solemn ceremony necessitating an act of homage. The vassal would appear before the lord bareheaded and without and weapons. The vassal would then kneel before the lord, clasping his hands as in prayer which he would stretch outward towards his lord. This position signified total submission. The vassal then swore the Oath of Fealty. The lord would then take the hands of the vassal and announce his acceptance.

Who is a knight's superior?

The lord or prince or king (or queen) to whom he has sworn fealty.

What every night swore to his king?

To be truthful

What is it called when a knight swore to his king?

homage or loyalty

What was the code of honor knights swore to their king?


Which King was the Lords Proprietors?

King george

Did lords attend banquets with the king?

Yes, they did attend banquets with the king! The Lords only had the right to do it. If the king didn't want them to they did not. Hope this Helped!

What lords did in ancient times?

Lords looked after lands for the King and raised armed soldiers when the King needed an army