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The French were beginning to expand their territory (between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River). Once they took the area we now call Louisiana, the British became concerned, and they reacted to their concern. The FI War was a war of preventitive maintenance. The British won (with the help of colonists) and their Empire expanded all the way to the Mississippi River. Ironically, the FI War united colonists in a way they had never been united before. Their new sense of brotherhood influenced their reaction against the British for imposing many new taxes (to pay for the FI War). The outrage over the taxation was a key reason why the American Revolution began.

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11y ago
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10y ago

In its simplest terms, the British and French fought over which colonial power would dominate North America. The Native Americans for the most part were allied with the French. This was not always the case however, and the many Native Tribes sometimes were on the British side.

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12y ago

the cause of the french and indian war was the unreasonable acts and laws, such as the Navigation acts, which stated that the colonist could no buy anything from anybody but England.

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14y ago

The colonists wanted more land. The treaty of Paris ofter the war, gave all the land to the left of the Mississippi river to Spain, and all that was on the right went to the British colonies.

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12y ago

IT was not A WAR IT WAS That they both wanted the same land ( Ohio Valley)

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11y ago

so that they whold get land

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Q: What were the main causes of the French and Indian War?
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The causes of the french and Indian war?

The main causes of the French and Indian War was fighting over land. Some effects of the war were that France and Britain had economic problems for many years after and many territories were claimed.

Cause of the french and Indian war?

The main causes of the French and Indian War was fighting over land. Some effects of the war were that France and Britain had economic problems for many years after and many territories were claimed.

What are the causes of the French and the Indian war?

Power struggles in Europe.

What was the main battle in the french and Indian war?

the battle of quebec

What was the main purpose of the British taxation after the french and Indian war?

to pay for the debt from the war

What was the main outbreak of the French and Indian War?

The attack on Fort Duquesne

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The French & Indian War.

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the british colonists had to house british troops.

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The French and Indian War war was in the 13 colonies

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no but the war was about land and the french and all the Indian's that's why call it french and Indian war

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whats was thr frence and Indiana war about

What first battle French and Indian War?

The French and Indian War was a war between the French and Indians