

Best Answer

Using present day frontiers:

  1. Poland
  2. Ukraine
  3. Belarus
  4. Germany
  5. Lithuania
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Q: What were the main five countries that Jews were murdered in during the Holocaust?
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Where were Jews murdered during the Holocaust?

All over

Were many Jews murdered during the Holocaust?

Yes, atleast 7 Million Jews died in the Holocaust.

How many Jews were killed during the holocaust'?

The official figure is that 6 million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust.

How many non jews were murdered during the holocaust?

6.5 million

What happened to the polish Jews during the holocaust?

Most were murdered by the Nazis.

Why were people murdered during the Holocaust plus?

11 Million people were murdered in the Holocaust. 6 million Jews and about 5 in a half Million "others".

How long did the holocaust?

Six million Jews died during the Holocaust. Many more (e.g. their families, friends, etc.) were affected. About 5 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. More than hundreds of thousands of Jews emigrated away to different countries.

What was the term that was used to describe the extermination of the Jews during World War II?

Holocaust. It is estimated that six million Jews, were murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust

How non Jews where murdered during the holocaust?

It has been estimated that at least 6 Million Non Jews were killed during the Holocaust, this includes 3 Million Soviet POW and 1.9 Million Non Jewish Poles.

What groups of people were murdered in the holocaust?

Jews from most of Europe.

How many Jews have been murdered by the Nazis?

Almost six million during the Holocaust, which is really sad... :(

Why were the Jews in specific persecuted during the Holocaust?

Jews were the largest victims of the Holocaust with 7 out of 10 Jews in Europe being murdered during the holocaust. Jews were discriminated against because they were not considered racially pure or part of the Aryan Race (ideally blonde haired blue eyes). And Hitler used propaganda against the Jews blaming the whole of world war one on the Jews, this brainwashed Nazis.