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The biggest lie that Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's told about Jew's was that it was their fault they lost World War 1. This was not true, but, Adolf told this lie so many times everybody started to believe it.

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Q: What were the main lies told about Jews by the Nazis in world war 2?
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What was the Nazis main goal in the 1930s?

The Nazis followed Adolf Hitler, whose goal was to wipe out the Jews and conquer the world. Hilter was an antisemitist and believed that Germans were superior to Jews so Jews don't have the same right to live.

Which group was the MAIN target of the Nazis during the Holocaust?

Primarily Jews, but other minorities were targeted by the Nazis.

What group was the MAIN target of the Nazis during the Holocaust?

The Jews were the main target in Germany. The German genocide is also called the Holocaust.

What was the main fear of the Jews in the holocaust?

they feared being killed or beaten by the Nazis

What group was target during the holocaust?

The main victims were Jews from all the nations invaded by the Nazis.

What are some of the causes of the Holocaust?

Well, for one, Adolf Hitler, who was a lazy boy in school, who longed to be an artist, who later became one of the world's most terrible criminals. He was the main creator and gatherer of the Nazis, who hated Jews. The resistance of the Jews and defiance of mercy by the Nazis formed into the Holocaust. I hope I helped. (:

Did the Nazis imprison Jews at the Chateau Vincennes in Paris?

The main camp in the Paris area was Drancy which was primarily a transit camp. There's no mention of Jews being held at Chateau Vincennes during World War 2 in the Wikipedia article.

How did treatment for the Jews change during World War 2?

Persecution of Jews increased during the Second World War as the Nazis invaded more countries, because each of these countries contained thousands of Jews that became under Nazi rule. This increased their problem greatly. The ways in which the Nazis dealt with the Jews changed gradually in three main stages, the fist was exportation out of Europe to get rid of them by ships, but this changed as the British controlled the Mediterranean waters. They then turned to internal exclusion, where the Nazis put the Jews into ghettos and camps. When internal exclusion failed because there was too many Jews, the last think that the Nazis could do was exterminate them, this didn't happen suddenly and happened for many reasons. Hitler was extremely powerful in Germany, so the public would do or believe anything he said.

What is the main reason that the natiz hated the Jews?

The Nazis hated the Jews because they were different. Adolf Hitler himself had a personal vendetta against Jews which he instilled in his loyal followers. This was the basis for so much of the blood shed.

Was it just the Jews who got taken away during the holocaust?

no, the Jews were the main race taken but there were also gypsies, any free radicals that the Nazis could find.. anyone who was different was taken.

Where did the Nazis captured the jews?

A getto. Really, it originated when Adolf Hitler captured Jews and made them stay in run-down buildings. This was in the period of the Holocaust.

Why did they choose the Jews for the extermination camp?

BECAUSE Jews, roma, gypsies and handicapped were seen as a serios biological threat to the purity of the German race. so they had to be "exterminated"...*cough* 'killed' *cough* the Nazis also blamed the Jews for Germany's defeat in world war I. communists, socialists, Jehovah's witnesses, homosexuals, and freemasons were killed and mistreted because