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Q: What were the major arguments in favor or the creation of the Freedmen's Bureau?
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The key to all arguments is having logical information and facts. This will make it easier to present your case in opposition or in favor of the argument.

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that a virgin couldn't get pregnant, because she was a virgin

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Pros could be professionals, or they could be arguments in favor of something (as opposed to cons).

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The right to use pornography.

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The civil rights act was not in 1988, but 1965.

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That is a debatable issue. There are economic arguments in favor of drilling for oil in protected areas, and environmental arguments against such drilling. My personal sympathies lie with the environmental arguments.

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Experts say Justice Thomas is not particularly receptive to arguments in favor of same-sex marriage.

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Experts say Justice Alito is not particularly open to arguments in favor of same-sex marriage.