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When I got outnof bed there was a MASSIVE earthquake and everyone got scars and started fighting around the world and the next day was world war two :p

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Q: What were the massive causes of World War 1?
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How did the cause of World War 2 differ from the causes of world war 1?

I Really dont know

How was World War 2 the aftermath of World War 1?

The treaty of versalles shamed the Germans into ww2 plus massive land loss in the east

What causes war world 1?

what caused world war1 is the great depression

What size where the bombs in world war 1?

massive bigger than a house put it that way

What are listed as the four causes of World War 1?

create a list of the cause of the world war 1

What were the underlying causes of World War 1?

Find it out your self !!

What were World War 1 gas attacks?

World War One gas attacks were when the Germans gased the Trenches out with Mustard Gas. This caused a massive amount of deaths in the War.

How did the entrance of the US impact World War 1?

It was important in that it provided a massive new pool of manpower to a war torn Europe.

Causes for World War I?

The causes of World war 1 were, Imperialism, Nationalism, alliances, and Serbia sent assassins to kill Austro-Hungarian Prince Franz Ferndinand.

What was the main long term causes of world war 1?
