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Q: What were the men in the Sioux in charge of?
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In the Sioux tribe what did the men do?

the Sioux men were the hunters and protectors of the family

Did women of the Sioux tribe work?

The Sioux were a particarcal society, meaning that the men were mostly in charge of running how the society lived. In particarcal societies, the job of hunting went to men, while the women tended to the settlements.

What was the Sioux men's role?

men usually went hunting.

What is Sioux religon please tell you?

the Sioux used leaders called medicin men

What jods did the men have in the Sioux tribe?

The men mostly hunted buffalo.

Did only men become Sioux tribal leaders?

yes only Sioux men became tribal leaders. they became tribal leaders because they had to do a lot of brave deeds and earn a lot of feathers to become a tribal leader.

Who made the Sioux clothes what does the men and women wear?

The Indians of parrel made the Sioux clothes. they lived nearby the Sioux. the parrel Indians helped them with most of there chores, like washing dishes and laundry, and making there clothes and food.

Why did Custer attack the Sioux?

two of the chiefs leading the Sioux were sitting bull and Crazy many as 2,000 Indian warriors quickly surrounded Custer and his men

When did the Sioux Indians meet the white men?

Some old Sioux folklore roughly date to around 1500, but those might have been stories told from other tribes.

How did the Sioux people hunt?

The Sioux people hunted with a bow and arrow. They also used a spear. Hunting was difficult and often many men from the tribe worked together in order to get an animal.

Were the men in charge in the 1900?


Which is bigger Sioux city or south Sioux city?

Sioux City