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The twelve men who have walked on the moon are:

Apollo 11: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin

Apollo 12: Pete Conrad, Alan Bean

Apollo 14: Alan Shepherd, Ed Mitchell

Apollo 15: Dave Scott, Jim Irwin

Apollo 16: John Young, Charlie Duke

Apollo 17: Gene Cernan, Jack Schmitt

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Q: What were the names of the 12 astronauts part of the six Apollo missions?
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Where do the Apollo's go after missions?

The lumar module is on the moon, part remains in space and small part where the three astronauts were sitting return to earth.

Which part of the spacecraft came back to earth?

If the question is referring to the Apollo missions, the Command Module (also known as the capsule) was the section that housed the astronauts and returned to Earth.

What part of the moon did the first astronauts land on?

The Apollo 11 astronauts landed on the Sea of Tranquility.

How many times have you visited the moon in all Who were they Not just the US?

Eight space missions orbited the moon, carrying 24 astronauts. All were men from the USA who traveled to the moon as part of NASA's Apollo program during the period from 1968 to 1972. Six missions landed on the moon, and their 12 astronauts walked on its surface. No man walked on the moon more than once. And nobody except the 24 astronauts on the eight Apollo missions has ever been farther into space than "low earth orbit".

What was the given name to the moon-landing missions?

The moon-landing missions were part of the Apollo program

Where did Apollo 15 reach?

The Moon! The astronauts explored part of what is called "Hadley Rille".

Did Roberta Bondar make it to the moon?

No - no woman astronaut was part of the Apollo missions.

Did Apollo 12 astronauts land on the moon?

Yes. Alan Bean and Charles Conrad walked on the moon as part of the Apollo 12 mission.

When did NASA land on the moon?

As an agency of the US federal government, NASA itself has never left the Earth's surface. But six pairs of astronauts landed on the moon between 1969 and 1972, on missions that were part of the Apollo program, which was administered by NASA.

Did NASA land on the moon?

As an agency of the US federal government, NASA itself has never left the Earth's surface. But six pairs of astronauts landed on the moon between 1969 and 1972, on missions that were part of the Apollo program, which was administered by NASA.

Were the moon landings part of NASA's Apollo project?

Yes they were. Since the Apollo missions, man has not yet set foot on the moon.

How many mercury Apollos were there?

In the Mercury progam there were 20 unmanned launches; of these four carried monkeys (2 rhesus macaque and 2 chimpanzees); and 6 manned missions. Further missions wre planned, but were cancelled in favour of the Gemini program.In the Apollo program there were 6 unmanned missions; and 12 manned mission, of these 6 missions landed on the moon.In addition the four skylab missions used Apollo equipment; as did the Apollo-Soyuz mission. However these were not considered to be part of the Apollo program.