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Technically there was only 1 chimp to fly prior to the beginning of the manned Mercury missions, though 2 were used for tests, one prior to Alan Shepard's first mission, and one prior to the third mission (John Glenn's flight).

The first chimpanzee to fly on a Mercury Redstone rocket in preparation for the upcoming Mercury missions was called Ham (Ham the Chimp, Ham the Astrochimp). His name is from the initials of the lab that prepped him for the mission - Holloman Aerospace Medical Center at Holloman AFB in New Mexico.

He was born in July, 1956 in Cameroon, and died on January 13, 1983, living the remaining years of his life in the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., and at the North Carolina Zoo. His original designation when the Air Force purchased him was "#65", and his handlers called him by the nickname Chop Chop Chang".

Ham's mission was aboard a Mercury capsule designated MR-2, and he flew on January 31, 1961. His mission data results(he was fully monitored and had to perform a simple reaction test in space) were directly related to Astronaut Alan Shepard's first flight some 3 months later.

The second chimp to orbit was name Enos. His training (1250 hours worth) was more extensive than Ham's, as he was required to perform complex tasks and was subjected to the effects of weightlessness. His orbit on board Mercury Atlas 5 November 29, 1961, was a full blown preparation for John Glenn's historic first orbital flight for the United States on on February 20, 1962.

Enos died on November 4, 1962, a victim of dysentery.

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Q: What were the names of the two chimpanzees that flew Mercury missions prior to manned flights?
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