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Q: What were the names of zheng he ships?
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Are there ships bigger than Zheng He's ships?

The Titanic trumps Zheng He's ship at 882.75 feet,whereas Zheng He's biggest ship was 600 feet.

How long was zheng he's huge ships?

400ft long

How many ships did zheng He have?

Cuantos barcos tuvo Zheng He? According to Wikipedia, he had between 200 and 317, with 500 crewmen on each

When Zheng He returned from India did the Chinese government ban seagoing ships?

e2020 answer b.

What were the names of Hernando cortez's ships?

the ships names were unknown.

How many people on Zheng He's expedition?

The first expedition of Zheng He is said to have consisted of a fleet of 317 treasure ships, (other sources say 200 ships) holding almost 28,000 crewmen (each ship housing up to 500 men).

What are the names of Jacques Cartier's ships?

The names of cartier's ships were le petite hermine and le grande hermine.

What were the names of Amerigo vespucci ships?

the names of his ships were the San Antiago, Repertaga, Wegiz,and the Girmand

What are some accomplishments of zheng he?

he is a explorer and he had over 346 ships with over 2000 men and sailed to many distant contries.

What is the three names of the ships?

the three ships were Nina the pinta and the Santa maria

What was the names of the ships?

There were two sister ships - the RMS Olympic and the HMHS Britannic.

What is the names of the three ships?

the three ships were Nina the pinta and the Santa maria