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It still causes tension between Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

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Q: What were the negative effects that occurred during the crusades as a result of religion?
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What are some negative effects that religion has had on history?

racist people

What were the early effects of the crusades?


What were lasting effects of the Crusades?


What are negative effects of biotechnology?

The real negative effects of biotechnology are really the potential negative effects since many of the presumed problems have not actually occurred. Some real and potentially real problems include the effects of genetically modified organisms, antibiotic resistance and ethics surrounding many treatments and therapies, vis-a-vie risk/benefit.

What major world events have been caused by religion and what were their long term effects?

The great crusades were caused by religious beliefs and ended up killing millions of people.

What are the negative effects of the crusades?

There was a lot of killing during the Crusades as the crusaders often pillaged the towns and villages they passed if they didn't offer food and hospitality (which could have been because they were already struggling to survive). Also many children died in the Children's crusade.

What were some of the effects of the crusades?

some of the affects were that the crusades were disliked by the people of England. they made people poor.

3 long term effects of the crusades?

the Crusades benefited Europe in a number of ways. For one thing, the exchange that occurred during the Crusades facilitated the spread of Islamic math and science. This exposed Europeans to improvements in navigation techniques. These advancements, in turn, helped to usher in Europe's Age of Exploration and led to nearly five centuries of European cultural and economic dominance.

What was one negative effect of the crusades?

Because of the Crusades there is to this day tension between Christians, Jews, and Muslims; especially in the Middle East. Another effects: formidable costs, crimes, destruction, murders, robberies, hate, wars. Crusades were criminal actions of the damned catholics from the Western Europe.

What were the positive effects of the crusades?

Tolerance for other people

What were the effects of not fighting in the crusades?

blah blah blah.

What were social effects of the crusades?

The social effects of the Crusades upon the social life of the Western nations were marked & important. The Crusades afforded an opportunity for romantic adventure. The Crusades were therefore one of the principal fostering influences of chivalry. Contact with the culture of the East provided a general refining influence.