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Q: What were the primary motives behind the age of exploration?
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What were the 7 motives for exploration during the age of exploration?

God, Glory, Gold were the Main motives for the Age of Exploration.

What were the major motives for the English age of exploration in the 15-16 century?

God, Glory, and Gold

Role of age of renaissance to the age of exploration?

The Age of Renaissance laid the groundwork for the Age of Exploration by sparking a surge in intellectual curiosity, artistic expression, and technological advancements, especially in areas like cartography and navigation. The Renaissance emphasis on humanism and individualism also contributed to a spirit of exploration and discovery. This cultural and intellectual climate, combined with the economic motives of trade and colonization, propelled European powers into the Age of Exploration.

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that thay defeted them with all what thay had

Who were some of the primary sponsors of explorers during the age of exploration?

Spain, followed by the Portuguese and Dutch.

Which statement does not accurately explain a motivation for the Age of Exploration ?

Europeans looked to spread the philosophy of Humanism.

How did new inventions impact the age of exploration?

It didnt impact the age of exploration

Can you date someone who is twice your age at 16 in Indiana?

One should be very leery of the motives behind one aged 32 wanting to date someone at only age 16. And the parents are where right now?

What two items launched The Age of Exploration?

What two items launched The Age of Exploration?

During which years did the age of exploration occur?

The Age of Exploration occurred in the 1400s to the 1700s.

What changed the age of exploration?

The Age of Exploration ended when the undiscovered lands had been discovered.

In what way did the renaissance contribute to the age of exploration?

in what why did Renaissance thought contrubute to the age of exploration?