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Philosophes is French for philosophers. They often were writers and journalists. Some of them went into teaching, while others were social activists and economists.

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Q: What were the primary occupations of the philosophes?
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What is primary occupation and its information?

primary occupations are those occupations which produce products directly from the natural resources

What is primary occupation examples?

The term primary occupation refers to a field job that involves taking raw material from the environment. There are nine primary occupational categories: 1. Professional, Technical, and Managerial Occupations 2. Clerical and Sales Occupations 3. Service Occupations 4. Agricultural, Fishery, Forestry, and Related Occupations 5. Processing Occupations 6. Machine Trades Occupations 7. Benchwork Occupations 8. Structural Work Occupations 9. Miscellaneous Occupations

What are the characteristics of primary occupation?

1.They depend on Natural Resources. 2.These occcupations exist from ancient periods. 3.They are fundamental occupations because other occupations depend on them. 4.All occupations of man begin with primary occcupation. Hence,they are basic in nature. 5.Number of people in primary occupation is more in developing regions. 6.Man's wages are less for his manual labour in these occupations.

What are secondary and tertiary occupations?

Secondary occupations- We get different types of raw material from primary occupations. However, most of it cannot be used directly. We need to process the raw material and make the necessary changes. The occupations that process raw materials and produce new materials are called secondary occupations

What are secondary occupations?

occupation that involves manufacturing of finished products from raw materials are called secondary occupations

What is a list of the primary occupations of the Philosophers?

They were writers, professors, journalists, economists, and social reformers.

What were the beliefs of the philosophes?

The beliefs of the philosophes were that they were the ones that were bringing the light of knowledge to their fellow creatures in the Age of Enlightenment.

What were French philosophers and social critics called during the Enlightenment?

I think they were called Philosophes. They were called Philosophes.

Name the social classes to which most philosophes belonged?

Name the social classes to which most philosophes belonged?

Who are the philosophes?

The Philosophes were a group of writers and thinkers who formed the core of the French Enlightenment, which was one of the factors of the French Revolution.

Define primary and secondary occupation?

Primary occupations are those occupations which depend directly on nature. For example: agriculture, fishing, lumbering, mining, gathering forest products and so on. Occupations in which production of finished useful commodities by processing raw materials obtained from nature is involved are called secondary occupations. For example: various types of industries.

Philosophes believed in?

science and reason