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Q: What were the reasons why plantation owners owned the most land and slaves?
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MOst slaves in the south were owned by?

In the 1800's, most slaves were owned by plantation owners

What is the difference between yeomen and plantation owners?

Yeomen did not own slaves and were poor while plantation owners were rich and owned many slaves.

Who owned the slaves in the south?

mainly rich plantation owners

How many plantation owners in the south owned slaves?

Quite a few.

Because plantation owners owned the most land and slaves?

Plantation owners were usually the most wealthy people in their area so they did tend to own the most land and slaves

Who owned most slaves in the south?

The rich.. ,, politicians,, and plantation owners formerly

Were plantation owners the only ones to own slaves if not who else owned them?

Slaves were owned by anyone who could afford one. Slaves were owned to work on palntation, they were used at home as servants, in armies as soldiers, house guards, females were used to be raped sometimes, they were used by home owners to work and bring back wages to owners. whatever the reason was, slaves were mostly used for economic reasons

Did Souther Plantation owners owned a lot of slaves?

yes, for cooking, picking, plowing etc.

How many slaves did most slave owners hold?

depends. Plantation owners had slaves ranging from 20 to 100s. home owners had slaves as servants ranging from 1 to 3. the armies too had slaves. the number of slaves owned depended on the needs of the owners.

What was a plantation owner?

A plantation owner was a person that owned slaves and a farm that the slaves worked on

Which of the following statements is true because plantation owners owned the most land and slaves?

They were at the top of Virginia society.

Why did most slaves live in the south?

Most slaves were owned by plantation owners. Plantations were very large and needed more people to work on it so that the owners could get rich quick. Also, during the cotton boom, a lot of plantation owners needed more workers to get cotton ready for sale. Slaves didn't have to be paid, just bought.