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The Greek city-states were able to go back to their usual fighting each other, culminating in the devastating 27-year Peloponnesian War. Further weakened by ongoing warfare, this made them an easy mark for takeover by a rising Macedonia.

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With the external threat from Persia gone, they were able to go back to their usual constant warfare with each other. This left the way open for Macedonia to impose control on the weakened city-states.

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Q: What were the results of the Greek victory against the Persians?
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What did victory over the Persians cost the Greek?

The Greeks stood their ground and fought for their freedom against the Persians. Their victory caused the Greeks many lives.

What was one result of the greek victory against the persians?

They were able to get back to their usual occupation of fighting each other.

What were the names of the three battles in Persia's second invasion of Greece and who won each?

The Battle of Thermopylae: The Persians won the Battle of Thermopylae against the Spartans, but it was a Pyrrhic Victory. The Battle of Salamis: This Naval Battle was critically won by the Athenians against the Persians. The Battle of Plataea: This Battle was won by the Alliance of Greek City States against the Persians.

What were the results of the Persian War of the 5th Century BC?

The Greek city-states defeated the Persians in a series of sea and land battles. The Persians agreed to peace and the Greek cities went back to fighting each other with increasing ferocity, using the expanded forces they had used against the Persians.

Why did the Greek historian Herodotus show bias against the Persians?

Because he was Greek.

What was the significance of the Greek victory over the Persians?

It removed the Persian attempt to incorporate the Greek city-states into the Persian Empire.

Where was the first Marathon?

In 490BC when Pheidippedes, a Greek messenger, ran from the Battle of Marathon, to Athens to proclaim the Greek victory over the Persians

Which battles in the Persians Wars did these factors contribute to a Greek victory?

The Greek won through superior sea (Salamis) and land (Plataea) tactics.

What lesson could you learn from the Greek victory over the Persians?

Greece was strongest when city-states banded together.

Who lead the Greek navy against the Persians in 480bc?

The Spartan admiral Eurybiades.

What resulted from the victory of Athenians over the Persians at Marathon?

The Persians decided to bring all the Greek cities under control to enforce peace. They invaded in strength ten years later.

Who is marathon in greek and roman mythology?

The battleground where the Athenians defeated the Persians. The messenger who was sent to deliver the message of victory, collapsed and died.