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Q: What were the roles of the Axis members?
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What were the 4 axis forces of World War II?

Usually the Axis powers are referred to as members of the Tripartite Pact, hereby implied that there are three main powers: Germany, Italy and The Empire of Japan. Other, later members include Bulgaria, Romania and Finland, with several other countries, such as Thailand, playing smaller roles in the Axis alignment.

What members is not a member of the Axis?

The Axis powers consisted of Germany, Italy and Japan. All other nations were not members of the Axis.

Who were the members of the allies powers?

Allied Powers has 22 members, Axis has 7 members. :)

What were the roles of the axis during World War 2?

The Axis powers (Germany and Italy) were the European powers that were fighting everyone else.

Who are the Axis members in Hetalia?

Japan, Germany, and Italy.

How did the U.S. feel about japan joining the tripartite pact or the axis power?

The United States was concerned that Japan would provide military support to the European members of the Axis.

What 2 leaders were both fascist leaders and members of axis power?

Both Adolph Hitler of Germany and Benito Mussolini of Italy were Fascist Leaders and members of the Axis in WW2

Which nations are Axis Members and Which are Allied members?

As in the case of the Allies, membership of the Axis was fluid, with some nations switching sides or changing their degree of military involvement over the course.

Three members of the axis?

Germany, Japan & Italy. They were the AXIS powers (vs. the Allies) in World War II.

Who were the 5 members of the allied powers?

Allied Powers has 22 members, Axis has 7 members. :)

What were three axis powers that invaded other countries in ww2?

The three main members of the Axis were Germany, Italy and Japan.

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Gavrillo Princip