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Navagation Acts.

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Q: What were the series of laws passed by England in 1651 stating that English trade must be transported on English ships?
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What does Navigation Acts mean?

The first Navigation Act was passed by English parliament in 1651 CE, it stated that goods from Asia, Africa and America could not be transported to England except in English ships. The second Navigation Act was passed in 1660, it forbade importing into or exporting from British colonies except in British ships. The British government passed several other import export laws into the 18th century, however the Navigation Acts were first of these laws.

When did England pass the navigation acts?

the English passed the navagation acts in the year 1660

Laws passed by English government to control colonial trade for England's own benefit?

Navigation act

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banned anyone from celebrating it in England (random guess as they were mainly Puritans)

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England had control over the U.S. before any Eastern countries did. So, England, speaking English, passed the language down. It has always been the official language of U.S. gov't.

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Is it years passed or years past?

Is it "years past" or "years passed"? It depends on the context. If you are stating "In years past,..." then you use 'past'. If you are in the middle of your sentence "...when years passed by and nothing got done..." then you use 'passed'.

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The English Bill of Rights of 1869 was written during the Glorious Revolution. It was a declaration of rights for the people which was passed on December 16,1689 in England.

Which laws were passed by England to enforce the mercantile system?

The Navigation Acts were a series of laws passed by England in the 17th and 18th centuries to enforce the mercantile system. These acts required that all colonial imports and exports be carried on English ships, and certain goods could only be exported to England. They also placed tariffs and restrictions on trade with other countries, in order to protect English merchants and ensure a favorable balance of trade.

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An order by the court stating the reasons that why such type of order is passed is called reasoned order.