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The Patriots know the land and have a cause for fighting (ANGER WITH TAXES AND OTHER THINGS).

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Q: What were the some advantages the patriots had in the revolutionary war?
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What advantages did the patriots have in the revolutionary war?

They knew the land and had home advantage.

What advantages did the patriots have during the revolutionary war?

- Advantage of fighting at home; - Popular support.

What are some advantages the british had over the patriots in the revolutionary war?

fighting on own land, fighting because they wanted to not getting paid

What are some historical periods?

When the loyalists lost to the patriots in the revolutionary war.

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What are the patriots reasons for the revolutionary war?

The Patriots wanted a revolutionary war because they believed the colonies were not treated fairly by the British crown.

What were your allies during the Revolutionary War?

the patriots or the Americans took fort ticonderoga's cannons and won the revolutionary war so the patriots are our allies

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Who was the patriots general in the Revolutionary War?

The patriots General was Harry in the Americans. I think :(

What advantages did the patriots have in the war?

Some of the advantages the Patriots had during the Revolutionary War included their rigorous belief in independence from Britain. It was their drive. With that they felt an overwhelming need to defend their home and their families. They had the upper hand when it came to the lay of the land; They knew the forests, the trials, hills, and coastlines. Having 13 colonies made it harder for the British to gain control.

What did George do in the Revolutionary War?

he was the leader o the patriots