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Q: What were the south American mountains that were home to the incas?
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What is the home of the Incas?

The Inca Empire was centered in the Andes Mountains of South America, primarily in present-day Peru. Their capital city was Cusco, and they ruled over a vast territory that extended through modern-day Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and parts of Chile and Argentina.

What modern country in South America was home to the Incan civilization?

The Incas lived mostly in Peru.

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The Cheyenne Mountain is located in Colorado, south of Colorado Springs.

Large south american country?

The largest South American country is Brazil. Brazil is located in the north east portion of this continent and is home to the Amazon River.

Where were the ancient incas located?

The Incas made their home in Peru where they established several elaborate cities. They were invaded and defeated in the 16th century by the Spanish.

What mountain range was found in South American and was home to the incan empire?


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The Incas favorite vegetable was potato. It could be grown at high altitude, which was useful in their home in the Andes. They also liked corn.

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Mountain lions live in a wide variety of habitats throughout much of North, Central and South America.

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This member of the camel family lives in the central Andes of South American.