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Q: What were the strengths and weaknesses of our nations first government?
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What is SWOT?

SWOT stands for 'Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats'

What is a good closing paragraph on my weaknesses and strength in writing?

You first write some of you strengths, you then write out your weaknesses, and then you counteract those weaknesses with your greatest strengths.

List down your strengths weaknesses?

I have good interpersonal skills, good communication skills and self discipline, highly motivated, good observation, good analytical

What are the ways to capitalize your strengths?

Answer Lets say for instance, you have many strengths and within those strengths you can do many things. In being to do many things, it gives you more opportunity to get more jobs and do better in life than the average person who doesn't have your particular strenghts.

What are the applicant's academic professional strengths and weaknesses?

You should give an honest answer as to your strengths and weaknesses when answering this question. The main thing is to acknowledge that you have weaknesses. Everybody does, and the school will want to see that you are realistic about it. You also want to describe your strengths, but don't say so much that it becomes unbelievable. Keep your answers honest and real.

What disagreement exists between First Nations and Canada's government in the interpretation of the treaties?

The first nations were people so were the signs .

What are two weaknesses of articles of confederation?

There were at least two major weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation. The first was that it did not provide enough revenue for the central government and it did not allow for person liberties of the citizens.

What is the Oka Confrontation?

The land dispute between First Nations in Canada and the government.

Why were the first nations not allowed to vote in the 1860?

because the government did not think they were people

Why is self government important to first nations?

it is important to the first nations because they want to have control over their own affairs. To have the rights that every other cultural person has

When did the first nations leave?

If you are referring to the American First Nations, or Indians, they did not "leave" . They were bullied and harassed onto reservations by the US government through out the 19 th century.

What states took the lead in changing the government Due to the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation?

The states that took the lead in advocating for a change in government due to the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation were Virginia and Massachusetts. Virginia was the first to call for a convention to revise the Articles, which eventually led to the Constitutional Convention. Massachusetts also played a significant role by proposing a series of reforms to address the weaknesses in the existing government.