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Q: What were the superpowers of the Cold War motivations?
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What were the superpowers during the cold war?


Which superpowers engaged the cold war?

The USA and Soviet Union.

How did the world responded to the issues of War and Peace after the cold war?

The superpowers controlled the world. If lesser nations disrupted world peace, the superpowers intervened.

Era of high tension between the world's superpowers?

Cold War :)

What were the 2 opposing superpowers during the cold war?

US and USSR.

What two superpowers led the Cold War after World War 2?

The Soviet Unioon and the United States.

What was the rise of the superpowers in the cold war?

when the united states and russia came to be so powerful

How were the Korean war and the Vietnam war in their impact on the cold war?

Answer this question… Both involved superpowers in their attempt to influence the spread of communism.

How were the Korean War and the Vietnam War similar in the impact on the Cold War?

both involved superpowers in their attempt to influence the spread of communism

What two superpowers were involved in the Cold War?

The people that were involved in the cold war was the Soviet Union, Communist world, and the non-communist world (The US and the USSR)

What superpowers participated in the cold war?

The United States and The USSR (Soviet Union now Russia)

What were the two superpowers in the cold war?

The United States and The USSR (Soviet Union now Russia)