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"Hong Kong Flu" was a strain of H3N2 influenza virus and was an epidemic in 1968-1969 that was the first known outbreak of H3N2 at the time. It began in Hong Kong but spread internationally and killed approximately 1 million people worldwide. There are still other strains of H3N2 circulating under other names today.

Hong Kong Flu is often confused with the current H5N1, Avian "bird" flu, and the symptoms are the same, except Hong Kong flu was much less deadly than Avian flu is in humans.

The symptoms of Hong Kong flu were those of most any influenza infection: high fever, joint pain, muscle aches, fatigue, malaise, runny nose, and severe cough. In addition, a common symptom was eye irritation and redness

(aka conjunctivitis). The eye irritation symptom is also in common with the Avian flu, and that is partly why they get confused with each other. Also, Hong Kong flu was sometimes spread by birds, as can be the Avian flu, but Hong Kong flu spread very easily and quickly, more like the H1N1/09 Swine Flu and unlike the Avian flu, which, thankfully (since approximately 50 - 60 % of those infected with "bird flu" die), it did not spread from human to human easily at all.

Other strains of H3N2 influenza virus still circulate today, one strain is known as the Fujian Flu from an outbreak in that area more recent than the Hong Kong Flu. It is also known as "Perth-like" flu and many of the seasonal flu vaccines over recent years have included a strain of H3N2 Perth-like virus.

The H3N2 Perth-like influenza virus is one of the three types of flu in the vaccines for the 2011-2012 Flu season in the Northern Hemisphere.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Symptoms of the flu may include:

  • fever
  • chills
  • headache
  • muscle aches
  • dizziness
  • loss of appetite
  • tiredness
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • runny nose
  • nausea or vomiting
  • weakness
  • ear pain
  • diarrhea
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14y ago

When you have a virus some symptoms you may have





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13y ago

Fever or feverish chills, coughing, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, headaches or body aches, chills, fatigue, some people may have vomiting or diarrhea.

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How would flu medications work if you got the flu?

Flu medication relieves some of the symptoms of the flu, such as runny nose, coughing, fever, aches and pains, and congestion. There is no cure for the flu, but you can get a vaccine every year to help you avoid getting the virus.

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deep breathing skunk can cure a common cold and other flu-like symptoms.

Are there any vaccines to cure Swine Flu?

No. There are vaccines for swine flu, but they do not cure it. They prevent it before you get sick from it because the vaccines will make you immune. Once you have it, there is no cure. There are medicines that can make you feel better and there are medicines that will make the symptoms less harsh and the duration shorter, but no cures yet. Get the vaccination if you have not yet when the next flu season is about to start in the fall (in the US).

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depends what flu but anyway cure it

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There is no cure for the flu. You can take a shot prior which may prevent or medicate the symptoms only.

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If you want to cure the fighting cocks flu, you are need to get an antibiotic. This flu is common in the Philippines.

Are there natural alternatives to treating flu?

There is no exact cure for the flu; usually it takes lots of time to get over it. Some options for treating flu symptoms are to get lots of rest, up your intake of vitamin C, take hot baths, and to eat a healthier diet.

What are the symptoms of the onset of flu?

Some of the symptoms for the flu are the same as the common cold, but there are a few symptoms that you only get with the flu. The most common of these symptoms are a fever of 101 or higher, body and joint aches, and a headache. If you are experiencing these symptoms along with other cold like symptoms we recommend seeing your Dr. about the flu.

Why does Swine Flu have no medicine?

The flu is caused by viruses and they can not be killed by medicines like bacteria can when you take antibiotics for an infection. Viruses are not living organisms and, therefore, are not affected by the things that kill living bacteria. A new flu vaccine was developed for the swine flu during the pandemic of 2009 and for the last several years this vaccine has been included in the seasonal flu vaccinations. It will help to prevent infection by this virus but will not cure it once you have the flu. Treatment for the flu includes OTC remedies for the symptoms of sore throat, cough, fever, etc. and use of the antiviral drugs for flu which do not cure, but will lessen the duration and severity of symptoms if taken within 48 hrs of the first signs of the flu. See the related questions below for more information on treatment of swine flu.

Is there no cure for gastric?

There is no "cure" for gastric flu or any other type of flu. Flu shots you get are preventative medicine, they do not cure you of anything.With any flu, you want to drink plenty of liquids, you will have depleted electrolytes and Gatorade is good to help replenish them. But drink water as well.

What was the cure for 1918 Spanish flu?

There was no cure. The 1918 flu killed 500,000 Americans and over 20 million worldwide. They did what they could to make people comfortable and control the fever but had to let the disease run its course.

Is there safe flu medicines that isn't a dope?

The only medical treatments available are used to relieve the symptoms of flu, NOT to cure the disease - you cannot cure flu. Flu vaccine, like all vaccines is a prophylactic - it stops you getting flu. All vaccines of all types are based on the virus they are used against or some very closely related virus that the body regards as identical - some vaccines are dead, some are weakened (attenuated) so that they do not cause disease.