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Q: What were the technology used by tally in chapter 2 in the book the pretties?
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In pretties the book what is shay's nickname?

Shay: in Uglies, skinny. in Pretties, Shay-la. Tally: in Uglies, squint. (i think...) in pretties, Tally-wa.

Who is the main character in the book Pretties?


What is the climax of the book pretties?

When Tally and Zane finally escape to the Smoke

What is the conflict in the book pretties by scot westerfield?

The conflict in the book PRETTIES is people vs.government and technology. Tally and her two friends Zane and Shay were determined to find who or what the government has been doing to the pretties to upgrade them and why. For example Tally finds the letter that the government and Zane hid from the PRETTIES to find that everyones health may be at risk. This conflict with the government and technology reminds me of the movie Lemony Snicket The Series Of Unfortunate Events because there are hidden secrets and take it one step at a time to uncover the secret of the Baudelaire's family and friends and finally after everything they take different risks to reach there final answer of the secret. The reason why I related these movie/ books is because they had the same stages of difficulty but each time reaching the same goal by taking it one step at a time and finding there answer. Lemony Snicket and PRETTIES both have you thinking what will happen next where are will this take them. For example in Lemony Snicket the children travel from Count Olaf's mansion to they're "aunts" and Count Olaf finds them again and in the PRETTIES Tally, Shay and Zane travel thought epidemics and get caught each try and every plane. This story is people vs. government and technology because Tally, Shay and Zane find out how the government has been using the technology to turn UGLIES into PRETTIES which affect PRETTIES health. These are my connections and why I know this is a people vs. government and technology. By: Jaimie Tufford

What book comes after pretties in the Scott westerfield series?

Specials comes next and that ends Tally's story and then Etxras is the final book in the world of ulgies but in extras tally id no longer the main character

Who plays Zane and Tally in 'Pretties'?

In the 'Pretties' book series, Zane is played by Max Thieriot, while Tally Youngblood is played by Aimee Teegarden.

Who published Scott Westerfelds book Pretties?

Simon Pulse published the book "Pretties".

Who is the static character of pretties by Scott westerfeld?

In "Pretties" by Scott Westerfeld, Tally Youngblood is a dynamic character who undergoes significant changes throughout the story. However, David is a more static character who remains largely the same in his beliefs and values throughout the book.

In pretties the book what is shay's last name?

shay was never given a last name only tally youngblood, andreew simpson smith and dr.cable was given a last name.

Who is on the cover of each of the uglies series books?

The first book in the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld features a stylized drawing of a girl's face with half of it appearing normal and the other half showing technological enhancements. The second book, "Pretties," features a similar cover but with the girl's face fully "prettified." The third book, "Specials," depicts a more fierce and warrior-like version of the girl's face with advanced enhancements. The fourth book, "Extras," has a cover with a futuristic cityscape.

In the book Uglies in chapter The Rabbit Pen Why is Shay angry with Tally?

because tally betrayed her and lied! ill just add. Shay found out that Tally was a spy and betrayed the smoke and everyone there.

What is 3 charactoristics of pretties?

S E FORMAT E The first characteristic of my novel the Pretties is the tittle. For example PRETTIES is the name of the PRETTIE town, everyone in the town are PRETTIE. The tittle explains the main key in my book the PRETTIES it explains the setting and describes the teenagers in the town of PRETTIES. This is one characteristic of my novel PRETTIES the town and the teenagers, a main descriptive word used in the book. The second characteristic of my novel would be the plot graph. For example there is a setting- PRETTIE town, then the turning point- Zane and Tally find out about the mysterious letter, then the rising action-finding the letter, next the climax- lives get put at risk, the falling action is next- the fight against the letter, then the rising action- getting the the letter. All of these plots are in your book and there is an answer for each plot the Setting, Turning Point, Rising action, Climax, Falling Action, and once again the Rising Action. These plots take a part in my book. This is my second characteristic of my novel the PRETTIES. The Third characteristic of my book is the tittle for the chapters. For example chapter 1 is called criminal At the setting of the Valentino Mansion a crime happened when someone wasn't wearing a fancy or comfortable piece of clothing. This was a crime in PRETTIE town because the government states you have to be dressed formal for a party. This is my third characteristic of my book PRETTIES. By: Jaimie Tufford