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Q: What were the three parts that made up the third estate?
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What are the three divisions of Frances social structure before the french revolution?

first estate second estate and third estate.

What estate in french revolution does a pig farmer belong to?

The third estate. The first estate was made up of the clergy, the second estate was made up of the nobles and the peasants made up the third estate.

What group in France made up each one of the three estates?

The French Estates General was made up of three main groups. This first Parliament consisted of the First Estates of clergy, the Second Estate of nobility, and the Third Estate of commoners.

Who made up the third estate Frances?

Everyone else excluding the 1st estate and 2nd estate, so the bourgeois made up the third estate. Particularly the rich people.

What was the Third Estate made of?

The commoners.

What are the three estates in France prior to the revolution?

The Catholic Clergy made up the First Estate. The French Nobles made up the Second Estate. The commoners were all lumped into the Third Estate.

Describe the three estates of France Who paid the taxes?

The Catholic Clergy were the First Estate and were tax exempt. The Nobles made up the Second Estate and paid no taxes. Everyone else was in the Third Estate and paid all of the taxes.

In what ways did the bourgeoisie differ from other members of the third estate?

The bourgeoisie was made up of wealthy people while the third estate was made up of nobles.

What were the three groups of people who made up the Estates General or France's first parliament?

The French Estates General was made up of three main groups. This first Parliament consisted of the First Estates of clergy, the Second Estate of nobility, and the Third Estate of commoners.

How was the French society divided before the revolution?

in an old feudal system called the "old regime". this system split the groups into three estates, or classes. The clergy of the catholic church made up the first one, nobles made up the second, and peasants were the third and lowest class. the lowest group contained the rich as well as the poor and only the last last estate i.e. the third one only paid the taxes and was highly discriminated from the other two estates.

What three groups of people made up the three estates of French society?

The first Estate was the Clergy, the second the nobility, and the third, well, everyone else, rich and poor, from rich Bourgeois to famished peasants. The third estate is the one that paid all the taxes.

What where the three estates during the french revolution?

the 3 estates during the French Revolution were; members of the clergy made up the 1st estate, nobles the 2nd estate, and the rest of the people the 3rd estate. the 3rd estate included the working people of the cities and a large and prosperous middle class made up chiefly of merchants, lawyers, and government officials.