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Renissance means rebirth

Rebirth originated in the belief that Europeans had rediscovered the superiority of Greek and Roman culture.

This all begin in Italy 14,15 and 16th centuries.

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Q: What were the views of the afterlife in the renaissance?
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Did Renaissance artists and writers focused on religions views or secular views?

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The Islamic views on the Afterlife are?

The Islamic view of the afterlife is that when the time for us is done (as in we die) we will return to our maker Allah (god). Depending on our sins and how good of a muslim we were, He would decide if we would live everlasting (live forever) in Paradise or everlasting in Hell fire. have anymore questions?

What is the religion's views on the afterlife of Christianity?

christians believe that if you accept christ as your personal savior you will have your name in the lambs book of life and that after you die you will go to heaven to live forever with Jesus.