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Q: What were three of the Taliban relligous rules?
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What types of rules do the Taliban enforce in areas they control?

The rules the Taliban enforce is that women have to wear burqas and that girls over the age of eight have to wear chadors.

Why did the Taliban enforce their rules?

The Taliban enforced their rules because they honestly believed that the creation of that type of theocratic totalitarianism was what God demanded of humanity. They also used their rules in order to gain control and maintain order as well as fear.

Why do Taliban have so many rules?

The Taliban are religious extremists who believe people must behave in a very specific way in order to please god.

What is the Taliban's source of rules?

A radical interpretation of Muslim holy book: The Qur'an.

What is the attitude of the talibans towards women?

Well, along with the rules that men and women had to follow, the women had rules of their own. Search this website for rules the Taliban.

Why were the Taliban so cruel?

Because they believe Islamic government called "Shariah" and Shariah uses very cruel rules.......... For example if u stole something the taliban would cut your hands off.

What happend to parvanas oldest brother breadwinner?

Parvana's oldest brother, known as "the breadwinner," was taken away by the Taliban for breaking their rules. He was arrested and imprisoned for selling goods in the marketplace, which was forbidden for women under Taliban rule.

What group gained control of most of Afghanistan by 1996?

The Taliban.

Why did the taliban think Malala was a threat?

She protested against women's schooling rights. The Taliban had shut down many women's school and Malala protested against that. The Taliban shot her and her three friends.

How does malala yousafzai describe the growing tailban in her region And what rules did they impose?

Malala Yousafzai describes the growing Taliban presence in her region with resentment.

Was osama bin laden part of the taliban?

He the leader of the Taliban, he organized and trained those that are in the Taliban

Differences between Taliban and Shi'a Terrorist Forces?

Taliban is not shia. Taliban members are Wahhabi which is a sunni sect. there is not relation between shia and Taliban.