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Q: What were two reasons why Southerners opposed the war?
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Who opposed union in the civil war?

The Confederacy....

What were the two reasons some northerners opposed the war?

The main opposition came from Copperheads, who were Southern sympathizers. Irish Catholics opposed the war due to the draft.

What were the reasons that young people in particular opposed the war?

They beleived it was a civil war, and America didnt belong their.

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What did southerners call the war of 1812?

Creek War

Why were northerners called southerners rebels in the civil war?

because they are not southerners they keep away from them

Why did southerners want in the civil war?

Ostensibly their motive was to protect state sovereignty from federal intrusion. Many were motivated by purely selfish reasons, eg, maintaining their right to own slaves, though slave owners were a small (though powerful) minority of Southerners.

What were the names of the two groups who argued in congress about the vietnamese War?

The "Hawks" who supported financing the war, and the "Doves" who opposed the war.

One reason countries go to war according to federalist 6?

Most countries go to war for two reasons. The two reasons why countries go to war are because of power and money.

Why were white Southerns bitterly and violently opposed to Black and white Republicans exercising political power?

Until around the 60s, most southerners voted democrat for two reasons. 1) It was common to "vote as you shot". Many southerners voted for the democrats because the Union in the civil war had been led by the Republican Lincoln. 2) The Democrats at the time had many more conservative members from the south, mostly because of the first reason. Nowdays, the Democrats are a much more generally liberal party, but back then there was a mixture.

What nickname did the northerners give the southerners civil war time?

Rebs (short for Rebels) and seshes (short for secessionists) were two.

What political reasons made the US get involved in the Vietnam War?

The spread of communism into Southeast Asia was opposed to maintain the balance of power.