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Two of the many theaters in London in Shakespeare's day were the Fortune Theatre and the Swan Theatre. They were both very nice theatres, and Shakespeare never acted in either of them. (He did, however, act in the Theatre, Curtain, Globe and Blackfriars, and probably the Rose and Newington Butts as well.)

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11y ago

The outdoor theatres like the Rose or Globe were based on the structure of innyards with a large open pit in the centre for standees. Indeed there were up to 1597 actual innyards in London licensed to act as theatres.

The indoor theatres like the Blackfriars and, after Shakespeare's retirement, the Cockpit, were also based on the innyard structure, with these differences: the pit was filled with benches or chairs so people could sit, and light was provided not by the sun shining through the open space above, but with candles, as there was a roof over the pit as well as the galleries. The indoor theatres were more expensive, profitable and exclusive.

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7y ago

Since, with the exception of the years 1642 to 1660, Shakespeare's plays have been performed continuously up to the present day, a history of the theatres and staging of Shakespeare's plays reads like the history of English theatre. When huge proscenium stages and complex scenery were the order of the day, that was how they did Shakespeare. When wooden sets sliding on slots in the floor were the fashion, that was how they did Shakespeare. Nowadays, we might see any of the kinds of staging used since Shakespeare's time; indeed, if you go to Shakespeare's Globe in London, you will see a close imitation of that staging. During Shakespeare's lifetime, the plays were performed both in large, open-air, round theatres and also in smaller indoor theatres. In both cases, the stage was a thrust stage projecting into the audience, and as a result had little scenery. The experience of the audience was intimate, as they could stand right up against the stage and, if they were rich or influential enough, could have a seat on the stage itself.

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12y ago

Large open-air public theatres, small candle-lit indoor theatres, and makeshift theatres in people's houses, at court, in innyards, and public halls.

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Q: What were two theaters in Shakespeare's London?
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