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about one-third of Europe's population was terminated.

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Q: What where the numbers of deaths in black death?
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How many deaths were in Spain by the black death?

Two Thirds Of The Population

How did people after the first few deaths of the black death?

people did not realize Black Death at first. They thought it to be common incidents of fever.

Did the Black Death ever Happen?

The Bubonic Plague (Black Death) did indeed happen, with the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people.

What was the black deaths effect socially?

Black Death lead to social changes. such as less influence by church.

Where there any deaths in the 14th century?

yes, because that's when the black death started.

Is deaths colors black or white?

depending on your culture and where you are it could be either, such as in America the color of death/mourning is black but in China the color of death/mourning is white

What was artwork showing a skeleton or demon leading people to their deaths during the Black Death?


What do black death and Swine Flu have in common?

Not very much. The Black death is caused by a bacteria and the swine flu by a virus. The Black death caused 15 million deaths world wide but people never heard about bacteria before and had no means to stop it (an antibiotic). The flu also causes deaths today but we do have a vaccine and it can be prevented. The Black Death infected the lymph system. The flu causes a severe upper respiratory infection.

Did people understand what was causing so many deaths during the black death?

well no, cos then they would of stopped it.

What is the advantage to using per capita birth and death rates rather then just the raw numbers of births and deaths?

To get a better estimate.

What arrived in 1347 and caused the deaths of over a million people?

The Black Death ravaged Europe from 1347 to 1351. Its plague.

What was the deadliest plague in history?

By percentage of population the Black Death holds the record with 85% of infected persons dying. By shear number of deaths world wide, it seems that the Black Death also claims that title.