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Q: What white blood cell reacts to each kind of pathogen?
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Are white blood cell pathogen?

No white blood cells are not pathogens, they protect the human body from pathogens.

What is a white blood cell that eats any pathogen?

It is called a "killer" T-cell

What happens after a white blood cell destroys a pathogen?

The cell will expel the phagosome that the pathogen was in through exocytosis.

Does protein play a part in cell regonition?

When protein attaches with glycogen on the surface of the cell membrane , it acts as an ID for the cell which white blood cell will not act with the cell as a pathogen.

What produces antibodies to remove foreign invaders?

Antibodies are produced in a White blood cell called a plasma cell. The antibody is made for a specific type of pathogen which it recognises by it's antigen. The antibody will link on to the pathogen and either destroy it or hold on to it until another White blood cell will come and ingest (eat) it.

What are white blood cells that can engulf pathogens called?

once the White blood cell (WBC) recognizes a pathogen it will use its plasma membrane to engulf the pathogen (endocytosis). the plasma membrane wraps itself around the pathogen bringing it in to the cytoplasm of the cell. it then will break off once the pathogen is inside enough. the pathogen with its surrounding plasma membrane forms an vesicle inside the larger macrophage (WBC). the vesicle and its contents are digested by the cell through the use of digestive enzymes and lysosomes.

An increase in white blood cells is due to what?

Although there are several reasons why there might be an increase in the white blood cell levels, the most common one is the presence of an infection. When there is an invading pathogen, the body responds by increasing the circulating white blood cells.

How the body's white blood cells respond to infection?

Once the white blood cells realise that there is a pathogen (unwanted microbe) in the body, it tracks it down and tries to destroy it. They do this by fully engulfing the microbe or sending antibodies to stick to the microbe therefore making it harmless. The white blood cell then remembers this pathogen so that it is prepared if it comes again.

Can a cold increase your white blood cell?

does having the flu affect your white blood cells

What does a white blood cell have that a red blood cell doesn't?

The white blood cell has nucleus that red blood cell does not

What is the difference between the red blood cell and the nerve cell?

the nerve cell is the white cell and it is white but it doesnt care as much blood as the red blood cell does that's the difference. Also, the nerve cell is the white cell and it is white but the red blood carries blood. Wait, I think the nerve cell is the white cell is white. White Cell=Nerve Cell*white. Cell=Nerve/White =;)

What is the name of the process where a white blood cell engulfs a pathogen?

The process by which white blood cells engulf bacteria is termed phagocytosis. In some organisms, phagocytosis is how food is absorbed.