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She knew what was going on in the camp and couldn't deal with it, so she started to drink and take long naps and going to the city for a change of air.

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Q: What why did mother start to drink more in the boy in the striped pajamas?
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What is the basic situation of the boy in the striped pajamas?

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I'm assuming you are referring to the mother dog. No it doesn't hurt her, but it does start to hurt her once the puppies get close to weaning age, because their sharp little teeth can be a bit painful when they try to latch on to her teats.

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It will usually drink milk from its mother. Or if the mother died, or cannot produce milk, the foal will be fed a formula in a bottle. As it grows it will start eating grass and hay, then eventually all the foods older horses eat.

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for the first 2 weeks of their lives they are blind so not much of anything happens than except they drink milk from there mother. as they get older their mother will bring them mice to practice hunting with and they will start to explore and play. after about a year they will go off on there own.

How babies foxes are?

for the first 2 weeks of their lives they are blind so not much of anything happens than except they drink milk from there mother. as they get older their mother will bring them mice to practice hunting with and they will start to explore and play. after about a year they will go off on there own.