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well daisys grow on Paricutin and so do milos

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Q: What wildlife or plants grow on Paricutin?
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Why is the amount of light an important factor in determining what an ecosystem is like?

An ecosystem is defined by vegetation, soil, wildlife, drainage, landform, and human use. Certain types of vegetation can only grow in certain light conditions. For example, Russian Sage and Lavender grow best in direct sunlight, and Primrose and Periwinkle grow well in shade. This will determine what kinds of plants will grow in that ecosystem. The types of plants that grow there will also affect the wildlife. The plants that grow in accordance with the amount of sunlight will attract animals that eat those plants.

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Wildlife is all about animals and trees and plants like a forest for example that is part of wildlife!

What city is paricutin located in?

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Is paricutin composite?

No. Paricutin is a cinder cone.

What is wild life.write a Short note on wildlife?

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Is it true that forest fires allow new plants to grow?

No, a forest fire does not allow new plants to grow since when a forest fire breaks out, the effects can be terrible. Wildlife is destroyed and driven out by the flames and heat. After the forest fire, the forest appears completely different. The plants and trees have now turned into charcoal, smoke and ash. We have to wait for centuries for the new plants to grow and replace the old forest.

How does acid rain damage wildlife?

It damages the roots of the plants and trees so it makes them weak and kills the ones that haven't even began to grow.

How tall did paricutin grow in one week in 1943?

5 stories tall. It gown after a year 336 (1,106).

How did mount paricutin get its name?

Paricutin was named after the village of Paricutin, which the volcano formed near and later destroyed.