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Children with Asperger's Syndrome suffer from sensory sensitivity or are "sensory defensive". This sensitivity can encompass any or all of the senses: sound, touch, taste, sight, and smell. These sensitivities are real, and cause the sufferer much discomfort, some describing it as 'painful'. Sensory overload can trigger a meltdown, often being the 'straw that broke the camel's back'. Some sensitivity's will diminish with exposure and the passage of time. Others will remain as severe for life. Does your child insist on wearing the same clothes, hat or shoes all the time? Does your child ask for the same foods for every meal? Does he/she shy away from outdoor activities or not like the flashing lights at a school disco? Do they become distracted by strong smells, or notice smells before anyone else? Do they get intensely frightened by balloons popping, fireworks or crowds applauding? Then they may have sensory issues. Some stimuli your child may be sensitive to:- Auditory -mower; vacuum; fire alarm; clock ticking. Visual -sunshine; fluorescent lights; fans; 'trigger' colours. Olfactory (smell) -perfume; deodorant; scented washing powder; toothpaste; insecticides. Tactile -Shirt; shorts; shoes; socks; static in clothes; feel of wind on skin. A lot can be done in managing these sensitivities, such as Sensory Integration, Auditory Integration Training and Occupational Therapy. For light sensitivity there's Irlen Lenses. At home you may consider a "sensory diet" of activities including: Whole body actions e.g. swimming; hanging by the arms; push-ups Proprioceptive activities e.g. pushing hands together in prayer position; pushing against a wall with legs Vestibular-proprioceptive activities e.g. swinging; trampoline; bike riding; dance Tactile activities e.g. body brushing; rolling on an exercise ball For sound sensitivities consider using ear plugs, headphones or even blue-tac in the ears to muffle the sounds. Having your child listen to music they enjoy (of a soothing nature rather than heavy metal) can benefit, and monitor the lighting in your home - natural is best. There are many other factors that can contribute to sensory overload. Many Asperger children are extremely sensitive to the moods of other people, especially when they are in close proximity. The effects of other people's moods seem to wash over ASD children, and it evokes a differing response in each child.

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