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Use a recursive function. Assume the denominations are placed in a vector of type double (highest denomination first):

// returns the highest denomination not greater than value

const double get_largest_denom (const double& value) {

const std::vector<double> denoms {100.0, 50.0, 20.0, 10.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01};

for (auto const i : denoms) if (*i <= value) return *i;

return 0.0; // rare case!


void print_amounts (double value) {

if (value<=0.0) return;

double denom {get_largest_denom (value); }

unsigned count {(unsigned) (value / denom)};

double subtotal {(double) count * denom};

std::cout << count << " x " << denom " = " << subtotal << std::endl;

print_amounts (value - subtotal);


int main (void) {

double value {};

std::cout << "Enter the amount (#.##): ";

std::cin >> &value;

print_amounts (value);


Example output:

Enter the amount (#.##): 1234.56

12 x 100.0 = 1200.0

3 x 10.0 = 30.0

4 x 1.0 = 4.0

1 x 0.5 = 0.5

1 x 0.05 = 0.05

1 x 0.01 = 0.01

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Q: What will be if we Write a program in java to accept the amount of money to be withdrawn and find out the number of notes of each denomination to be given by the bank?
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Using simple sentence with the word 'accept?

Accept means to take or receive something.Do you accept the charges made against you in this court today?You have a collect call from Mozambique, do you accept the charges?Press yes to accept this amount, or no to decline.I accept your point, but I still can't agree with you.

The max number of functions you have used in a c program?

There is no limit to the number of functions you can have in a program. The only practical limit is dependant upon the amount of memory you have available in order to load the compiled program, whether it has 4 functions or 4 trillion functions. If the program makes use of dynamic libraries, then the amount of available memory reduces accordingly.

How do you loop a program in python 3?

A program can be looped in Python by wrapping the entire program in a for or while loop. If you wish to loop the program a finite amount of times, it can be done like so (x = the amount of times you want it to loop, this can be a number or variable storing a number): for i in range(0,x): [code] If you wish to loop the program infinitely, you can use a simple while loop: while True: [code]

How do you write a java program in which the user will enter an amount of money as a decimal number and the program will compute how many pennies nickels dimes quarters ones fives tens twenties etc.?

Denomination values should be stored in an integer array where each value is in pennies. So $100 is 10000 pennies: const array&lt;int,10&gt; value = {10000, 5000, 2000, 500, 100, 50, 25, 10, 5, 1}; Create a parallel array with the actual denominations: const array&lt;string,10&gt; denomination = {"hundreds", "fifties", "twenties", "fives", "dollars", "half", "quarters", "dimes", "nickels", "cents"}; Start by multiplying the amount by 100 to determine the actual number of pennies. So $1.23 becomes 123 pennies. Store this value as an integer named pennies. Now work your way through the denominations in sequence: for (int index=0; index&lt;value.size() &amp;&amp; pennies; ++index) { int number=pennies/value[index]; if (number) cout&lt;&lt;number&lt;&lt;' '&lt;&lt;denomination[index]&lt;&lt;endl; pennies%=value[index]; }

What is a depopulation program?

A depopulation program is a method to reduce the overall amount of people, animals, or organisms living within a given area. It is typically done to prevent the overcrowding of animals which cannot directly limit their own breeding.

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