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Q: What will be the easy and attractive topic in English lecture?
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This is almost two easy- as there are cognate words in English. Black Flowers, and in the feminine. Could refer to attractive Black Women, such as, the Supremes.

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A topic sentence is a sentence that explains your topic.

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attractive foliage,easy to grow

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If someone tells you are 'Easy On The Eye' they are saying they find you attractive and therefore pleasant to look at!

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i think global warming!

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There is no easy way of tackling a topic you find tough. If there was an easy way it would not be tough. The best that can be suggested is to be determined and look for other approaches to it.

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What has the author Frank Van Buren Irish written?

Frank Van Buren Irish has written: 'Fundamentals of the English Language, Or, Orthography and Orthoepy: Designed for Both Teachers ..' 'Grammar and analysis made easy and attractive by diagrams' -- subject(s): Grammar, English language

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Easy? English? The closest you can get is with a Texas accent.

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PHP is easy and creating attractive and beautiful websites.

What is the best English translation of the Samoan word manaia?

If you mean "manaia", then it translates to, beautiful, gorgeous, sophisticated, easy to the eye, lovely