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sizeof('3') returns 1 - its the size of a char sizeof("3") returns 2 - its the size of two chars - '3' and '\0' sizeof(3) returns 4 - its the size of an int (in a 32 bit system)

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Q: What will be the results of the operations sizeof 3 within single quotes and sizeof 3 within double quotes and sizeof 3 and why?
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Can you use both single quotes and double quotes for strings in php?

Yes, you can use both single quotes (' ') and double quotes (" ") for defining strings in PHP. However, the choice between single and double quotes depends on whether you need to include variables or special characters within the string. Single quotes treat everything as a literal string, while double quotes allow for variable interpolation and escape sequences.

What is the difference between single quotes and double quotes?

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In C programming, double quotes are used to indicate String literal. char *s = "Hello World"; Where as single quotes are used to indicate a single character. char x = 'a';

What is the difference between single quotes and double quotes in PHP?

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Do single-quoted string literals have any characteristics difference from those of double-quoted string literals?

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In PHP you can use both single quotes ( ' ' ) and double quotes ( ) for strings?

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Yes, of course! Everyone is allowed to ask a question to so long as it fits our site guidelines and Terms of Use. Visit the Related Link to the Help Center for information on how to ask a question.

In linux What is the difference between single quotes and double quotes with respect to shell interpretation?

Double quotes allow changes to the text string, including: -- substitution for variable names, such as $x; -- expansion of special characters, such as '*' or '?' within file names; -- command execution within backticks, such as "You have `ls | wc -l` files" Single quotes enclose an explict string, and prevent most of these changes.

What are character constants?

A character constant is a single character in the host's character set, such as 'A', 'a', '0', '%', etc. Note the use of the single quotes instead of double quotes. (Double quotes are used for string constants, not character constants.) A character constant maps to a specific int (integer) value, but assuming anything about that relationship is non-portable.

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What does the foot mark look like?

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What is the purpose of using quotation's in a search?

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