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Q: What will be your last word to tell your girg friend if the world was about to end?
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What is the last thing you ever want to tell a friend?

Well the last thing I would want to tell my friend was that i hated them.

A friend tells you what you did means a world to him. What does he try to tell you?

that you are very important Your friend probably means that he appreciates what you did....

How do you tell a friend that you want your friendship to last forever?

You need to just say "I Want our friendship to last forever " and tell them how much they mean to you. Dont mind what people may say, they are your best friend, they can NEVER Get in the way of that. Best friends are for life.

Suppose the world ends on 21.12.2012 at 5.47pm and you are with me at 5.46pm what will you tell me at that last moment?

If the world does and you were a good friend I would tell you all bad secrets, and how special thatmy best friend was to me. If it was someone I loved I would probably tell them that I loved them. If the world didn't end, and I said it all I would be very embarrassed, but at least now they would know how much I cared. Yet, if I didn't know you I would introduce myself. If I was just starting to get to know you I would quickly say that I'm sorry that we never had a chance to meet, but this isn't our last hope.

How do you tell if your relationship is worth it?

If the friend helps me with a good heart & if he shares with me my happineess and sadness.They are the best friend or relantionship in the world

How do you tell your friend that your moving?

tell your friend that your moving if they were really your friend they would understand

What to do when someone asks you out but your best friend likess the person?

Tell your friend, if they're all cool about it then sweet. Friends will last longer than relationships when you're young.

What do you do if your friend doesnt want to be your friend but wont tell you why?

I should never force her to be my friend. If she doesn't want to be my friend then why should I bother about her and force her to become my friend. There are millions of people in this world who know the importance of friendship.

How can you tell if someone is your friend or not?

=You can tell that he/she is your friend, if he/she respects you the way you do.=

How can you tell your best friend that you like him?

ask a friend to tell him

Can you tell your best friend how you like him?

ask a friend to tell him

How do you tell a guy you like them when they have a girlfriend?

try to be a great friend of them. then tell them that their is someone in your life that you love him. and at the last tell him i love you.try to be better than his girlfriend. he'll realize he is missing out, and dump her for you