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Q: What will cause CO2 to build up the body?
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What is 1 problem caused by your reliance on fossil fuels?

they will eventually run out, also they cause a build up of co2 in the atmosphere causing the greenhouse effect.

What causes one side of your body to swell?

The cause of swelling on one side of the body can be a side effect of medication. Another cause could be from edema which is a build-up of excess fluids in the body.

What happens if the oxygen cycle goes off balance?

There is a build up of CO2

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It causes more energy in your body when your lungs run out of oxygen(air).

How can you cause charge to build up on an object?

you build up another object

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It's the cause of poop build up in your body that makes the awful pain and stench

Waste products which build up in the body can become what?

When waste products build up in the body, they become toxic.

What does smoking cause to build up on the lungs?

It causes tar to build up on the lungs and it can cause serious injuries and maybe even death.

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Saints can use their gifts and talents for the good of the church to build up the Body of Christ.

Can lack of sweating cause a heat stroke?

Normally, humans sweat copiously to reduce body heat. If sweating was prevented, then body heat would build up and cause a heat stroke - blinding headache and collapse.

What molecules build your body?

the molecules that build up your body are: carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen

If a patient has COPD would their blood pH be acidic or basic?

acidic due to build up of co2