

What will coral reefs look like in 50 years?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What will coral reefs look like in 50 years?
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How are jellyfish different from coral reefs?

Yes. Jellyfish look like jelly, but they are fish. Coral reefs look like exotic plants, but they are of water species.

Do brain coral live in coral reefs?

yes they do along with many other types of coral like sea fans. They look exactly like brains its weird.

What is a good closing sentence for a research paper on coral reefs?

In conclusion the coral reefs are a vital part to our oceans us humans admire them we in essence just like to look at them and not to mention they are a spectical.

What does a fringing coral reef look like?

These are the ridges or mounds in shallow sea derived from some stony corals (A type of marine animals belonging to phylum Cnedaria) these reefs are easily navigable that is ships can enter in these reefs there are still other types of reefs also as barrier reefs and atolls which are not navigable.

How do you see color in coral reefs?

You have to look very closley at coral if you want to see its color or you can just pick it up.

What does the term brain coral mean?

Brain coral is simply a type or coral that is closely knit to resemble the look of a brain. This coral can be found in coral reefs all over the world.

Are all the coral reefs the same?

They could look like being the same but I have seen them in night time and they could show different colors. To my knowledge, all coral aren't the same.

Why are there no coral reefs in Massachusetts?

there are coral reefs in a sense, but they don"t consist of the same species as a tropical reef. look up cold water anemones, and you will find alot of info on these species

Is there coral in the southern ocean?

Yes, sea life in antartica is incredibly diverse, as diverse as tropical reefs. Though if you look it up it will be hard to find, due it being understudied. But yes, coral reefs do exist, even in the coldest oceans, and the darkest depths. In fact, coral can grow as deep as 8000 meters or even more.

What are the coral reefs like?

the battle of the coral sea looked like just trash because people fought in the ocean and that's where the Battle took place!

Where are all of the 5 pink coral reefs on bearville?

idk just look in ever place i did it like 2 weeks ago so i forgote sorry

Is coral an invertebrate?

Yes, coral is an invertebrate. It is a marine animal that belongs to the phylum Cnidaria and typically forms colonies known as coral reefs.