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a good helping of common sense administered taken at any point before hand (20-30 min for maximum affect)

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Q: What will counteract acetaminophen overdose?
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How many people die from acetaminophen overdose?

Acetaminophen overdose is a common cause of liver failure and accounts for about 200 deaths per year in the United States. It is important to follow recommended dosages and seek medical help in case of overdose.

What will counteract an overdose of Valium?

Flumazenil IV.

What is given for a heroin overdose?

Naloxone is commonly used to counteract opiate overdoses.

What is acetylcysteine 200mg used for?

acetylcysteine can be used as an antidote in acetaminophen overdose

What will happen if an overdose of Motrin is taken?

You die. Family member just passed away due to Motrin overdose.

Are Norco and Darvocet the samething?

NO. Norco is a combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Darvocet is propoxyphene and acetaminophen. WARNING: Darvocet in overdose is highly toxic, many fatalities have resulted from such overdoses.

Panadol overdose 10 years ago will there be long term damage?

Long term damage from acetaminophen is normally from using it every day for extended periods of time. If you survived the overdose you have probably recovered completely.

Does percaset contain Tylenol?

Yes. Tylenol also known by the names acetaminophen or paracetamol and often abbreviated as apap is contained in Percocet. 1 Percocet tablet contains anywhere from 325 mg to 650mg of acetaminophen so care should be used when taking it in order to avoid an unintentional overdose of acetaminophen.

Would taking too many Tylenol pills be harmful?

Yes. The maximum daily dosage of Tylenol (acetaminophen) is 4,000 mg. In the case of an overdose, especially a severe overdose of 7,000 mg or more, immediate medical help should be sought. If treatment is received within 8 hours, the chance of recovery is very good. Without rapid treatment, a very large overdose of acetaminophen can lead to liver failure and death in a few days.

How do you treat acetaminophen toxicity?

One view:Gastric lavage is the only treatment for overdose cases of acetaminophen (paracetamol).Note: Overdose of this drug can damage your liver.Another View:You cannot treat this at home. If you have confirmed that you have acetaminophen toxicity, you need to get to an emergency room immediately, within 72 hours.Otherwise, if you have overdosed on acetaminophen, your liver may completely fail, and you could lose your life.At the hospital, they will treat you with a drug called N Acetyl-Cysteine, or NAC, that quickly raises your glutathione levels. Glutathione is a potent detoxifier, and will remove toxic metabolites from your liver left behind by the acetaminophen, thereby protecting your liver from complete failure and certain death.

Can you take regular Tylenol with Tylenol 3?

You can if you do not exceed the maximum dose of Tylenol taken at a time (1000mg) and during the day (4000mg). Tylenol 3 contains 300mg of acetaminophen. Tylenol Extra Strength contains 500mg of acetaminophen, Tylenol 8 Hour contains 650mg of acetaminophen. So, you have to count not to overdose.

What harm does Watson 853 do to the body?

At the recommended dose there is little harm to worry about. If you overdose or combine with alcohol then you can suffer from liver and kidney failure due to poisoning by Acetaminophen (Paracetamol). Acetaminophen poisoning is the most common cause of liver failure in the United States.