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As such this will not affect the pregnancy adversely. But then this has got got direct adverse effects on the mother.

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Q: What will happen if pregnant woman doesn't get enough sleep?
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Is it healthy for a pregnant woman to work graveyard?

If you are getting enough sleep, it shouldn't matter at all.

What happens when you do not get enough?

The main effect of not getting enough sleep is lack of concentration. Other things that can happen are confusion, weakness, and loss of memory.

What is the conciquence of not enough sleep?

your body just wants to shut down because it doesnt know what to do. it especially doesnt help when you usually get enough sleep and then suddenly you just stop sleeping for a while. also not just your body wants to shut down but so does your mind. im sure youll feel tired, if not exhausted. youll seem draggy.

Is feeling sick in the morning a symptom of diabetes?

Being sick in the morning is either you being pregnant or nat having enough sleep

If you are unsure that you are pregnant which is the best way to sleep?

You can sleep in any position you want whether pregnant or not.

Does the weedy sea dragon sleep?

yes because doesnt everyone have to sleep

When your pregnant Does the baby sleep when you sleep?

No, he/she or both goes to sleep whenever he/she is tired.

How many times do you have to sleep with a women to make her pregnant?

there is no spacific number one time and it may happen or it could not happen ever or any where in between so you have to be carefulif you dont want to get her pregenant

Is it okay to be sleep deprived while pregnant?

I found that when i was pregnant with my daughter i needed as much sleep as possible. Try and sleep as often as you can to keep your strength up

Does having enough sleep affect behavior?

yes it does , so get enough sleep

Do Niall Horan sleep naked?

no he doesnt gross

What can happen if bad sleep habits are ignored?

Well, if you don't get enough sleep, bags can form under your eyes. Obviously. Getting enough sleep can help get over minor illness', also. Getting too much sleep can start shrinking your muscles and working organs. They will start disintegrating, because you're body is not getting the right nutrients. Too much sleep can harm your body, too.