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Then, depending on the specific assumptions, it would either crash into the Sun, or move on its own in outer space.

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We wouldn't have any seasons.

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Q: What will happen if the earth stops revolving around the Sun?
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What would happen if Earth stops revolving around the sun but sits stationary in one spot?

The Earth would fall into the Sun.

What happends as the earth revolves around the sun?

Everything does, since the Earth never stops revolving.

What will happen if earth stops rotating and revolving?

then their is na day and night and time willbe stop

What will happen if the earth suddenly stops revolving around the earth?

don't be retarded we would die because one part of the earth will have no sun and wont see cause its not moving and the other one will have sun all day and nite

What happens if earth stops revolving around sunexplain in detail?

Then it would fall into the Sun. It is the Earth's movement (of about 30 km/second) that keeps it from falling INTO the Sun.

What happens if earth stops revolving?

It would get drawn, by gravity, into the sun and just get burnt up.

What would happen if the earth suddenly stops revoving?

When the Earth is revolving a force know as centripetal force is applied on it by the sun or in other words we can say that it is the gravitational pull of sun towards itself and there is another force known as centrifugal force that one feels when traveling a circular path; directed outward, it is actually the inertia of an object that is resisting being pulled in a circular path. when the earth stops revolving then there is no centrifugal force and the centripetal force will be acting on Earth which will cause earth to fall in the sun.

If planet earth stops its revolving and rotating what will be the effect on the other planets?

All the planets revolve around the Sun, not Earth. There may be SLIGHT tugs as they come closer to Earth's 'stationary' point, but for the most part it will not be a catastrophic event for the solar system (for us...a different story :))

What would happen if earth stops rotating and revolving?

If the earth stopped revolving, it would be drawn into the sun. It could crash into Venus or Mercury on its way into the Sun, or it could just crash into the sun and be vaporised. In the circumstances, whether or not it stopped rotating is a bit irrelevant. Nevertheless, since you asked, one side of the earth, facing the Sun would heat up while the other cooled.The main problem is if it stopped revolving. It would be attracted by the Sun, fall towards it, and fall into the Sun in a few months.

Is an earthquake going to happen today?

The majority of the Earth is molten (liquid). The Earth never truly stops moving.

What will happen if the earth stops?

Possible cataclysm. The core and mantle are dependent on the movement of earth's rotation to not break out into incredible devastation.

What if the earth stop revolving around the sun?

Well im not entirely sure but from what i know life would slowly become extinct on earth because we wouldn't get sufficient heat to keep the water in a liquid form, causing every life form to slowly die. Also we may crash into some space objects.If the earth stops revolving....there will be night all the time at one half of the Earth and day light on the other half.........plants will die......and new consequences could be seen if happened...This will make time change.